So, what exactly is bore water, and how is it used? Well, firstly, bore water is not potable. It has a high salinity concentration which makes it unsuitable for use as drinking water. However, you can use bore water for a variety of other purposes, including irrigation and watering gardens. It's also safe to use as stock water for livestock. If you're living in a remote area with no access to town, water boring may be the perfect solution.
Get in touch with Kowaltzke Drilling Services on
(07) 5462 1161 today if you need a water bore drilled! Located in Gatton, we work with clients throughout the Toowoomba Region, including
Highfields and
Gatton—all the way south to the Scenic Rim.
Are you wondering how we’ll set up your water boring system? Firstly, a borehole is created by a drill rig that drills one or more holes deep into the earth. A vacuum-pumping system on the surface quickly reduces pressure in the well as water rushes up to fill it, and an on-site pump system then gathers and protects the water as needed.
All the non-potable water you'll ever need for managing your rural property could be right beneath your feet. Contact Kowaltzke Drilling Services for more information about how we can help.
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